In 2015, Pope Francis boldly set out to make a profound moral and scientific statement regarding humanity’s relationship with the natural world by releasing his encyclical ‘On Care for Our Common Home’, or Laudato Si (Praise Be To You”). In the encyclical, he teaches all of us the intended care for creation by its Maker, as well as the consequences of disregarding such care, which we are now witnessing in the 21st century with frequent environmental disasters and an increased number of environmental refugees across the globe.
Pope Francis continues this urgent theme of Laudato Si with his
2023 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation message.
day-2023) This message also serves to announce the
September 1st beginning of the annual ecumenical Season of
Creation, which extends to October 4th, the Feast Day of St.
Francis, our Patron Saint of Ecology. This year’s theme is “Let
Justice and Peace Flow”
Several Creation Care Ministries in the Knoxville/Alcoa area are
planning events and opportunities to “celebrate” the Season of
Creation and you are invited to join us for a variety