Catholic in Recovery provides healing from
addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. Meetings
combine the spiritual principles of 12-step recovery and the
sacraments of the Catholic Church. Join others in recovery as
we overlap scripture from Sunday’s Mass readings, liturgical
themes, and recovery topics with honest discussion and prayer.
Confidentiality is protected. We welcome those recovering from
any addiction, compulsion, or unhealthy attachment:
• Alcoholism
• Drug addiction
• Compulsive overeating
• Restricted eating
• Lust/pornography addiction
• Gambling addiction
• Technology addiction
• Compulsive spending/debting
• Codependency
• Control, fear, resentment, & grief
"By this Campaign, we hope to raise greater awareness of this pressing issue, to help remove
the sense of stigma or embarrassment for persons who suffer, and to advocate a clear message to
all: everyone who needs help should get help. Jesus teaches: "For where your treasure is, there also
will your heart be" (Lk 12:34). You are the treasure of the Church. The Church lives to serve you."